African Impulse - The Ediki Mbonge solar water project
Project Status : Preparing to install the DIY solar system.
Ediki Mbonge is a small village in the southwest province of Cameroon. The living condition of the people there is difficult. The villagers live mainly from subsistence agriculture. The main water source for the more than 7,000 villagers, including a kindergarten and three schools (primary and secondary), comes from a spring lying at the outskirts of the village. The hygienic condition of the water source is very deplorable. We are changing this status quo
Watch a video of the water project
December 2013 - April 2014
Request for assistance
Request for assistance by the village ending in meeting with the village council defining priorities.
Choice of DIY olar pump system. NGENOA CIG and CRUDESCOOPS as project partners.
Clement visits the location (Left), How the system shall look like(Right)
April 2014 - March 2017
Sourcing for funds.
This project is being partly funded through financial subsidy of the State Chancellery of the State of North Rhine WestPhalia in Germany.

Other Germany partners include vision:teilen e.V., Club 16 e.V. and very many individuals.
April 2017
Well digging.
The company which was contracted to do the water sourcing was eventually contracted to dig the bore-hole. Machines were displaced through difficult terrain.
Work started in the middle of April and by the end of April, water was reached at 44m. The process occured under the supervision of the president of the association
And water now flows...
Since May 2017
DIY Construction stage
We are currently clearing the DIY pump from the Douala port in order to complete the construction of the water system.
It should be noted that the DIY Solar pump will pull water from the well into a tank and eventually through pipes to the users. The village has no electricity.
Want to make a contribution to the project?
Join us! Help us to supply the village and its inhabitants with water and to improve the quality of life of their lives!
Make your support via by following this link project borehole (water) for Ediki Mbonge or
Directly into the association's project account:
Account Holder: African Impulse e.V.IBAN: DE32440100460155061468
BIC: African Impulse e.V.
Purpose: First name Last Name - Support
*Your contribution is tax deductible.