Two successful meet and code events in Duisburg and Cologne.
On the 6th. and 20th. of October 2019, the African Impulse e.V. joined other institutions throughout Europe to organize Meet and Code events within the framework of the European code week.
The EU code week aims at making kids and young people fit for the digital future. The African impulse e.V. always joins this action as it aligns with our purpose. This year, we chose the cities of Duisburg and Cologne to organize the events.
In the Duisburg event titled "Program your own app - this is how it works", we introduced kids into programming their own Android apps using the MIT invented AppInventor. In this session, the kids had the opportunity to understand the basics of programming and how useful it could be to their future. We then together developed some playful apps. The kids had the opportunity to use their creativity and develop their own ideas.
The event in Cologne titled "Girls code with Calliope mini "was targeted to girls between the ages of 12 and 18. In this workshop just as in all our sessions, we did an introduction and refresher on computers and programming and the importance an understanding of technology could have on their lives and the world. We then jumped in hands-on and developed a few programs, like an alarm system which goes on depending on the intensity of light. The kids' creativity was on the forefront as we helped them with tips and tricks.
We look forward to organizing these events yearly and more often. This is the third year in a row that the African Impulse is participating in the European Code week Meet and Code event. We would like to thank Haus des Stftens and the project sponsors for the opportunity to be able to give these young people a chance to be introduced with tools which can change their lives positively in the future.
Here are some pictures of the events: